MV - CPCEMU Disk-File Disk-Info ZX-Modules(Track-Info  R ( *RTrack-Info  R BLOBCOP BLOBCOP BIN BLOBCOP BIN !"BLOBCOP BIN#$%BLOBCOP SCR8&'()*+,DISK -PLUS3DOS| |v x23693\,0:0:24527_:"blobcop.scr"16384 @:7,0;:"blobcop.bin":38224P PLUS3DOS_|8Mn]f\3b]]3-z]_T 1:[>> >&~~<~~< HQD #HFĹ:‰"AFā>AFāA `       |@T T@|@ | T|@   @??@??@?@@={@{@/{@/{@p{@p{@{@{@p{@@p{@/p{@/{={?E?_ @ ??3r93d JHJ%$IR {r%縆y; JHJ%$IR JHsI[c%@  @@9FĹ:‰"A>   @@@@ 0P, $   `   (j !! p |@T T@D8(((((DDThis is a hidden message that isn't displayed in the game If you are reading this then you are obviously hacking the code apart. God knows why though... Oh if you are either Ian or Stingray then HI! (Thought Id find you two noseing about in here! Theres a bit of a story attached to this little gamette... Ages ago when I got my lovelTrack-Info  R y PDS (Programmers Development System) I started writing this just to see what it could do. In a couple of days this monstrosity had been born, under the working title of PLURPS! I stuffed it away in a dark little corner of my hard disk for a while and little morewas ever seen of it. It didnt have a name or a plot. But at the show we decided to offer it to the mags, they all said they had loads of stuff so didnt want it. Then suddenly out of the blue SU phoned and said they were interested so I then HAD to finish it. After many long lunchtimes thought, I came up with the name BLOBOCOP , intending the name to be a parody of OCEANS ROBOCOP. I had never actually seen the game and have been told that this bears quite a resembelance to ROBOCOP. Well, we send the completed master off to SU who saw fit to loose it. The replacement met the same horrible fate. THEN on the 23rd of December, having just got back from Southamton to collect JABBAs new D50 synth (What a poser huh) I made a spectacular entrance to the pre xmas doo drinkies to the shouts of 'youre in deep trub...' 'OCEAN are going to SUE...' etc etc... After a severe tongue lashing I was asked to interrupt my xmas break and make the grueling journey from Cheshire to Hampshire on the 28Th 'just to fix the bits' Well, bang go my heavy boozing sessions!! Ah well it makes a nice rest from being jumped on day and night by thousands of delinquent second generation cousens!! Ah well, ya can always dream... Hope you have all had a smashing Xmas and a GREAT new year. I'm back off to Cheshire in a few hours to re-join the merriment!!! See ya all.... Andy (&e7)?}, ]==::]H :@*J:tiWM=t1DDJQ*]R,qQHCk???$@@2& 9tn%Y1(HC xG ?WPjH(HQR.G@ `P P0 @ 59@ @@@Th!u `(1 bPPbPEH +">kS n5š }0!BHP%(i*TLnU[:Ŧ81N@@ @  )@@@```@)&jET2l*H 0  0 P0` x8>184O*,?<@| D "D|bQqTT? @*@T@QD)B JR<2P9(<)@B::**D{PN2h-B:eR$.VRRDTP tDSm)<*80$829  T ::e?T@ UADSRmG={uI?;I}IA}=~{ߕf$~*UhG@ I$mm$m??AP0$Ip0Uh8   RR%% RR%% W+\'\#%= Uu)mup HP Hp&&V.%%% q{{{{{{{{{{[kmZJ(J({jUU )). 2R"*% J%' #:>z{>::۾۪UZ*2R"?*%% RR%% (Q*IUq)*#!ĪRq%' !RS%% !1#0H 0H @ @666?OO?OO?8>888888>||88888z 0`@>yyyyy><|<<<<~>O>pp>gg>>npp~O>>sp~ss>~ >ss>ss>>ss?c>8yyyyy~yy~yy~>yxxxy>~yyyyy~xx~xxxx~xxx>yx{yy?yyyyyyO>yyy~yyyxxxxxx~uuuuuu~yyyyyy>yyyyy>~yyy~xx>qqqqu:~yyy~yy>sp>g>yyyyyy>ppqrtxpuuuuuu>yyy>yyyssss?8x>ff?pp~ss~>wpw>?gg?>wp?8>888>gg?~pp~sssn<ss~ss88888~WWWW~gggg>ggg>~ss~pp>gg?pppp?p>~>gggg>www>WWWW~ss>ssgg?86c"/6k6c"1z2U|G}O{o1?8_z?Wz?W?0Ձ:ЇGԁԁʧ<<*|µ}Hբբ:̇ԁ:ЇGӁԁ*̇#"̇Ձ:̇ՁȤ͘Ձɂ҂ۂ /8APV                         x0-x0  (0 (0 p p E(p  ](p\pԃ     !"#$%&'()*****        !"#?23 &'(23-)+.*,/01&'(234=56789:;> ?23  @FʈH)) a@P @P `]YVTSRQQRSTVY]`@ YXXXXXWritten by Andy SevernDGraphix by JAB#Ap Do you realyx want Track-Info  R to quit (Y/N)  DSELECT OPTION:8 1: Sinclair 1H 2: KempstonX 3: "QWERT"h 4: Usr Defined DSelect Keys:8 FIRE : ?H UP/JUMP : ?X DOWN : ?h LEFT : ?x RIGHT : ?8F OK ? (Y/N)![dBPLAYERS AND S.U PRESENT![(B L O B T H E C O P[dCPress FIRE to start. BREAK for Control options.![ HI-SCORESD100000 ..........050000 ..........025000 ..........[ LOWER-SCORESD010000 ..........005000 ..........002500 ..........[ USELESS-SCORESD001000 ..........000500 ..........000250 ..........![B The land of DORK, a badland of bugs, pukes and scumbags! It's not safe out there!! ![BThe solution, Send BLOB THE COP The meanest roughest, toughest blob in all of DORK. ![BThere are 18 known pickup pointsscattered arround the swamp usedby the pukes to stash their loot![B Go to all 18 and collect their contents as evidence against thehead scumbag, vice king of dork.D![BThen go to the BLOB-COP HQ with your evidence. D![B Collect bubbles along the way for extra energy and points. D[d$![ `B![ `L![ ` O![ ` B![ `T![ `H![ `E![ `C![ `O![ `P![B L O B T H E C O P![ $![dOnly the filenames have been changed to protect the programmers!Պ1H_ xOG E T R E A D Y !PAt the stash drop you findG PRESS ANY KEY. ɏ؏p p FABSOLUTELY NOTHING!Bog Grass.Stolen guns.Loopy dust.Virused disks.Moonshine!!!Cans of COKE.Counterfeit dosh.#(- C+00 Points.5152025 hComplete all 3 rings in thexDCORRECT sequence!PTime=PPah! Your time ran out!!`Just for that you dont getpa bonus - Try again later.PSorry, no dosh here mate !`DYou've pinched it all.HAlas, you have died,XYou'll be buried at sea,hTo restart the game.xDJUST PRESS ANY KEY!CGod Who writes this rubbish?XCongrats , you've got a high`score ! Enter your name.xCArgh! There's nobody there! You find a calling card... 8 JOE BLADE  NO JOB IS  TOO TOUGH DHo hum... Which way is home?@F34567777K77777777777j7777mn8HJ*"! F MN kl opq9PJ% DF OPQRSTUVWXYZ[ G!"Frst9XJ!D F\]^_`abcdefgh %D F9`J&D  uvwxy D *"$D F9hJ% *##!F z{|}~! D !'D F9pJ+#! +' %Dy &+)(G! 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